World Cup matches Live Streaming Links will be placed here, 15 minutes before the Matches gets underway. Please bookmark this page and Comback before the Matches Starts. All the Action from the Official Fifa World Cup Matches Will be available here Live for absolutely free, Live streaming links and player will be placed here just before the Concert gets under way. Many other sites are showing it live in HD streaming. So I will be posting links to the other site which will be showing the streams.
Links will start streaming 10 minutes before the kickoff, so please bookmark the site and comback before the match begins to get the live action.
11 July:So here we are Last Match of the 2010 World Cup, I put every effort in to bring best possible live streams for Soccer fanatics and Im happy to say it worked out reasonably well with some people complaning about the streams on the way, but I hope you people will come here for the English Premier league, Champions League and other leagues matches I will be posting Live streaming links for the upcoming football season.
Links will start streaming 10 minutes before the kickoff, so please bookmark the site and comback before the match begins to get the live action.
11 July:So here we are Last Match of the 2010 World Cup, I put every effort in to bring best possible live streams for Soccer fanatics and Im happy to say it worked out reasonably well with some people complaning about the streams on the way, but I hope you people will come here for the English Premier league, Champions League and other leagues matches I will be posting Live streaming links for the upcoming football season.
I cant wait for the games to start. Mexico is going to win but it should be a great game, also England will beat the USA but at least we have gotten better. Go Netherlands and Argentina!
Link one doesn't play.
great work, keep it up. as this is the only way i can watch at work.
Thanks for your efforts
thank u so much.
They're not working.
What a great first game. Thanks for the links!!!
Thanks a lot.. This is the only way i can watch fifa from where i live.
Thank you so much bro.This is the only way to see WC2010 live.
Thanks a ton.
Thank you so much buddy.. Thanks a ton !!
did everything just go offline? i was watching link one and then it died :S none of the others will load for me.
Woah mang, lost the streaming. Help mang.
OMG THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks a lot. I am very happy. this is the only link where i can watch world cup live. Many many thanks again. keep it more good as possible.bye
thx a lot dude..!!!
i m watching from germany at my office..
Thank you. Great job!
Thanks a lot for these links, my only way to see the world cup.
Adming you are simply superb.Thanks for the spreading us the football fever.Keep rocking...
Hi there all....
Im the admin in here......
Im really pleased that you people are enjoying the live action of the matches.....Make me flattered
I will be posting live links until the final match of the Make this page your bookmark and let others know about it too....
thanks you very much,
Have a good world cup,
Thanks alot. This is extremely useful.
I hope England will lose and I will celebrate big time. Good luck USA.
I LOVE YOU GUYS FOR THIS! im stuck at work for almost every game you guys are amazing!!!
Thank you sooooo much!!!!!
thank you thank you thank you!!! Keep the games coming!
thanks a lot for the streaming links!
great work, kp it up....!
Thanks a lot!!
germany vs australia links aren't working
Gr8 work Man, I love to watch it online.....Thanks a Ton...
Gr8 work dude, I would love to watch the matches online...thanks a ton, keep it up.....for all the matches.
How do i view the games i missed? like the whole game Algeria 0-1 Slovenia?
thanks a lot guys...
Thanks a lot friend. Its of great help for those who can't doesn't have/afford paid channels. Keep it up.
this is greattttttttt
thanks you
waw marvellous, mind thrilling, no other way to watch my favourite game out here...tnx a lot
omg! thank you!
can't wait to watch ita vs par !
Thanks alot!
From a deprived lot.. in singapore..
Thanks a lot buddy. Its just for you that I am able to watch it live. Keep it up and god bless you.
i am from India and i am so much grateful to you for setting this for the football fans.
best of luck.
hey ther all...Im admin in here..
thank you very much everyone....for appreciating my work.....I will keep you full with live links throughout the tournament......infect my other site ( will be available for all sports links throughout the year..
Mad props man, thanks for not requiring surveys or any of that crap. You = my hero!
thanks a ton for this... makes me saner at work
thank you once again for providing some qualitiy links. I just prefer watching the games with a good English comment over the boring German ones.
Hey there
Really appreciate ur effort!
Thanks a million from Singapore
4:00 GMT IS 4AM, 16:00 GMT IS 4PM
Thanks for doing this, In the US is the only way to watch during the most boring hours of the day (called work)
Now I am not jealous of the people watching on their miniature Mobile phone screens !
Sameer Arshad (Admin) for vice-president!
Thanks a lot dear for the links.........
Is anyone else having trouble with the links? It starts playing but after one minute the screen goes white and I have to click the link again.
Great links, thanks man.
Note: The one you say is in Spanish (Link 7) is in fact in Italian.
I am having the same problem, starts playing for a minute and then either it refreshing or something happens and then blank screen.
Are links working okay ??????
please tell me....
it's nt working at all!!!
Links aren't working!
hey m from qatar. still the links are slow, like streaming is very bad. this is the only way i can watch pls can u do something for this.... i am begging u...
Link 1 was too good but all of a sudden on the 43rd minute it stopped and displaying diagnose connection problems. And so the other links are not working.
Hi there...
its admin here:
Mates LINK 1 is the best to watch it streaming flawless for me....i hope you will be able to watch it with no problem......
Hi there...
its admin here:
Mates LINK 1 is the best to watch it streaming flawless for me....i hope you will be able to watch it with no problem......
hatts off for the links..
Thank you very much! I can watch live FIFA2010 now!
Great work. Thank you and keep it up. There may have been a few glitches with the streaming, but it is by far the best site i found.
Thanks so much for this! Link 1 always works great, I have problems with the others as I would have to register with Vshare (I think) and prefer not to. Stream is better than what's available in Veetle. Keep it up and share any problems you my encounter.
just wanna tell that the links doesn't work very well. All of them keep trying to connect with the server causing several interruptions on the streaming. If you can do something for it I will be very glad to you. By the way good job I've been watching all the matches here you're number 1!
Hi there....
its admin her...
I have updated the hondarus vs Chile links....and they are working aboslutely fine for me......I hope you enjoy the links........
hi there.. thanks for the links but I just want to mention that the links aren't as smooth as how they used to be .. I guess many people are trying to load those videos and the streams gets interrupted .. you know it's really hard for soccer fans like us to watch all those interruptions .. I really hope you will do something about it ..
Like my Link 1 of Spain Vs Switzerland is not smooth ..its really lagging and highly interrupted. I guess you should have more links for smoother streams during the high profile matches ..
yeah sure im gonna post links to all the good sports streaming sits.......
Im looking into the matter.....i will get a solution pretty soon...
One a my friends just recommended me to your blog. WOW, thanks so much for these live stream!! You are a hero!! Thanks for all the hard work man
its admin here..
pleasure is all mine.....Im really happy that im helping soccer fanatics to watch it live for free...
I will be covering all major sports live please do try my blog for other sports like Wimbledon, Wrestling, boxing, F1 and ofcource English Premier League next season........
looking forward to provide you with best streaming out there....
admin (sameer)
I appreciate the effort you put into this but I'm going to have to look elsewhere => these links are UNWATCHABLE :(
I dont know mate, for me LINK 1 is aboslutly flawless right now.....and the player i provided in my blog is working fine....
so I think either your standard is very high or there is problem at your end.......i seem to have a good straeming of south africa and urguay match.....
thanks much, sameer! this is not a backdoor but a great entrance to watching the world's best sport. keep it up.
Link 1 is the best! This is the only way i can watch! Thanks a lot man! U r jus great!
thnx mam... coz of ur link m able to watch d late nyt matchs
Itz such a blessing for me,since i do not have a tv at home....i waz sad that i wud'nt be able to watch the matchez,bt u've fallen from heaven n cum to my rescue;)
God bless ya bro!
Link 1 and the embedded video are off line
This site is a blessing from above for true soccor fans! Thank you for your efforts....
i've been having problems with the links since ther germany serbia game,can anyone help, thanks. btw great job on ur coverage.
Links have been updated, if you still have trouble....Visit our other site ( for more streaming options...
thanks admin, the links work now. u made my day!!!
1oX a lot greeting from india
Great Work!!!Thanks so much!!!
@ administrator ---------> gr8 work!!!!
it'd b better if u also provided some special moments of the match showing the best gameplay as a seperate photo gallery.......
nywayz kudos 2 u 4 ur gud work..............keep it up!!!
link 1 doesn't work for the brazil vs. ivory cost game, please help, thanks admin.
Link 1 for Brazil vs Ivory Coast..Updated check it out.....
i hope it works for you now....
fuck off ivory coast.. they set up a most respected player kaka..
If it wasn't for this website I would be missing way too many matches while at work!
Thanks so much for all the hard work and the excellent work on the site!!
From Canada
Hello admin,
i am thinking if it is possible to stream the post match conversation of analysts too? It would be great if the channel can be online till the last game of the day. A million thanks in advance.
Freddie =)
@ Freddie
Yeah that is a great Idea to wind all the days action.....So I will be placing links to the Post match shows...... I hope you like it....
gr8 work!!!!!!!!
Thank you. Great job!
Thank you. Great job!
Link 1 is updated...jsut install the veetl player and you will have the bsest streaming.....
good job sameer...
Where is link for US game?
What about the USA game?!? Thanks for doing what you're doing!!!
Sorry for being late today....
All the linsk for both matches are up now......
I was very busy today with personel commitments......
This is the only way I can watch the games during the day. Great Job with the links. Thank You!!!!!! much.
well,i'm glad that i can watch it live
Thank you for the live links, post match show/highlights links and your recent post links...your services are highly appreciated and grateful football fans everywhere thank you for your tremendous and unselfish well.
I would really like to thank you for your efforts in providing this service. I really appreciate it since I have to watch it from my computer at work and not on my tv at home. Keep it up, and make sure you have the finals with Spain and whoever else up early.:)
Thanks again
great work bro
Link 1 is extremely choppy, any way to rectify this?
Hi there its Admin here,
I really appreciat that you take time to encourage me for providing Live links to the matches...I would like to thank you all people....and Yeah I will keep provding links to all the matches....and een better links for the knockout rounds.....
btw, Im supporting Holland.....too bad they did not bring my all time favourite player Ruud Van Nistelrooy....might pay for it in the later part of World Cup....
M from Qatar, Streaming is really slow and getting stuc all the tym, appreciate if u cud do smthing for this.. coz, this is only streaming which lots of qatari ppl using ....
Thank you,,
Agree. None of the links are really working. Take forever to load (if at all) and once they start streaming they almost immediately freeze.
A pity - has been working well for the most part up until today.
thank you so much man, my net speed is bad and it still streams these links fine. you are legend
Hey mate,
I'm away from home with no TV and have been watching heaps of matches thanks to your link! Thanks heaps
Thanks a lot dude. Link 3 is the best for current match, good for broadband users - Oxer D"
best blog i havevr seen for futball.. u rock dude
please fix the links, link 1 and 4 keep freezing
Good Job, it was gr8 experience watching ENG vs GER Live here
great work man! thanks a ton for providing these links..we all appreciate that..cheers and enjoy the world cup
Thanks so very much for this, highly, *highly* appreciated.
thanks a lot !
Thanks a ton for the links!
Got to watch Germany hand England a beating yday
Thank you! Lil hick-up are OK. I know, as you promised, you will provide to us steady stream on the knock-out matchs.Good Job
Love your work - been a killer resource all world cup - top of my bookmarks. thanks from amsterdam.
Great job!!!
Judging from my experience on this site with the Germany v England game, the 'anonymous' guests singing the praise seem, well, hmm... weird.
Is the site owner leaving comments himself under "Anonymous".
It seems to me that all the links are just reposted from What exactly is this blog doing that merits users watching games via this site in stead? Seems to me that this site is seeking traffic (and ad revenue) simply by reposting few links.
thanks bro...thank you very much. if not for you then this poor football loving follow would never able to watch the games. Thanks you very much. God bless you
Wow...bro...its really nice....
I love it...
Nice work!!!
Is the stremaing started .. I am not able to view ?
hey dude link 2 doesnt work.. :( :(
Me too... I too can't view the match... please fix this
sameer dude i cant see the match
i have placed more links please check them out......there are many good streams out there....
I hope u get to watch the match without any problem....
greetings, could you help, link 1 for the argentina germany game, doesn't load, thank you!
LINK 1 on the Argentina-Germany does not work. PLEASE HELP. THANK YOU.
thank you soooooooo much..!!!
I love you, you have reinstated my love for football by ensuring that I don't have to move my ass.
Links are superb..
Thankss...Gr8 work done!
Links 1, 4, 5 and 6 do not work. HELP!!! and thanks in advance
Superb quality! I don't how I would be able to watch the World Cup without this. Thank you very much for the links
thanxxx you very much .............keep it up brooooo
was very happy till yesterday... when could not watch the match because of a jerky video... thought it was a connection problem... but today it is once again not streaming, could only watch the first 7 minutes of the game, since then the transmission is fluctuating at the best ... the match is ruined for me...
all of the links for the uruguay germany game doesn't work, very sad.
none of links are working
finally the WORLD CUP FINALS, i really hope the links work. btw you really did a great job on your WORLD CUP coverage. thanks!!!
y wont it work?!:/
thanks a bunch!....
please provide link in ENGLISH commentary!!! thanks in advance!!!!
the veetle player(link 2) at some point closes, hope it doesn't do that tonight. link 1 won't load.
you are me hero... thanks for world cup coverage...
no commentary in english...... pl pl please......
Thks Dude
Thanks a lot, mate! You saved my soccer-life! You did an amazing job by constantly providing stream links in english + the language of the participating teams. It is really appreciated!
Thanks man. You did a great job. Thanks again.
Many thanks for your blog, I couldn't see nothing of the games while at work, but with your blog I could follow the World Cup like never before. Many, many thanks...
Many thanks. Helped a lot when I was studying for uni exams at the same time.
Cheers mate!
Thanks a million for the great job!
I must mention that this blog was indeed a life saving one. I nearly watch all the games thr your links.
thank you..
live long and prosper !!
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