Apr 21, 2009

8:59 AM
For a change im going to write a post which might help Blog owner gain more exposure and more traffic ofcource, its really helping me and you gonna love it too...

The easiest way to increase traffic to your blog for free is by using Alpha Inventions, a promotion site that allows you to enter your blog into a blog reading cycle.

Here is how simple this tool is:
1. Go to alphainventions.com
2. Wait 15 seconds
3. Enter your blog's url where it says "My Blog"
4. Select a category for your blog in the scroll down menu that says "category"
5. Click "Validate"
6. Click "Notify Readers About My Blog"
7. Relax
8. Repeat once or twice a day

Your blog will stay in the cycle until it is bumped by someone like you. You can expect to receive 10-200 page views just from entering your blog. There is nothing to sign up for and no email address to enter. It is almost too good to be true.

Let me know what you think of Alpha Inventions.