Jun 14, 2014

8:40 AM
Roger Federer vs Alejandro Falla Live Stream ATP Halle Final - 15 June 2014 
Roger Federer totally dominates against his opponent from Japan Kie Nishkori in the Semi final game on Saturday . He is now very close to get his title shot of the 2014 ATP Halle . Now his final opponent is Alejandro Falla the player from Colombia who shown great performance this year in the ATP Halle event lets see will he pick the final win.

Its the Final game there should be no mistakes , The swiss star Roger Federer is in his best form the advantage he got that Rafael Nadal get's early knockout from the match . Roger Federer now have a great chance to make sure his title run .

Alejandro Falla the Colmbian totally dominates this year and will prove him self in the event. He knows the importance of the game against Roger Federer in the final . Well on Sunday we finally have the winner from the ATP Halle .