Jun 9, 2014

12:22 PM
The Last Game Nike Animated Film 2014
Nike once again brings an outstanding portfolio through its advertising campaign . But this time its 5 minute complete action packed football movie . In Which you can see some of the famous stars in cartoon form . The Nike Last Game Features Soccer Stars .

  • Cristiano Ronaldo 
  • Zaltan Ibrahamovic 
  • Andrea Inesta
  • Frank Ribery
  • JR Neymar
  • David Luiz 
Superb animation work , but the special guest to see in the movie is Luis Ronaldo , the legend striker of Brazil . Once the Original lost the match , they try to do some thing else and then its Luis Ronaldo who motivate them and bring them back to the field and its Cristiano Ronaldo who scores the final goal in the Animated movie.